For 24 years I was Professor of Movement at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, working primarily with students in the Theater Department. My work has ranged across movement training based on methodology drawn from Carlo Mazzone Clementi, Jacques Lecoq and Gennadi Bogdanov, which included mask study (neutral, expressive and Commedia dell’Arte), physical expressivity, character development, devised theater, clown, Meyerhold’s Theatrical Biomechanics and circus arts. I also collaborated with Professor John K. Wilson in a class called ‘Auto-Cours’, a study of how groups function and make new work based loosely on Lecoq’s pedagogy.

In addition, I created a coursework exploring theatricality for the professional circus program (P3) at School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts (SANCA) in Seattle.

My consulting work has focused on presentational theater, clown, circus arts, mask, devising new work and ‘knockabout’ (choreographing slips, falls and antic action) with professional theater companies, acting ensembles, individual and duo performers and college theatre groups. This work has been of variable lengths and can be crafted to suit the needs of the organization and the project; workshops can be tailored to a specific focus and outcomes.

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